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Longze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Longze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Longze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
  •  Verified Enterprises
  • Company Type:  Production
  • Country:  China
  • Contact:  -
  • Mobile:  13894885979
  • Tel:   0431-84833948
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Detailed Information
    Basic Information
    Company NameLongze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.CountryChina
    Registered Capital3million(yuan)Annual Turnover
    Ability of foreign tradeYesEmployees Number
    Employees Number
    Brand Name
    Main Market
    Contact Information
    Company AddressRoom 1112, Building 4 of the Shangdong City Light 3000 Dongsheng Street,Erdao District, Changchun City, Jilin ProvinceCompany Phone 0431-84833948
    E-mailsales1@longzebio.comCompany Fax0431-84833189
    Company Websitewww.longzebio.comContact-