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Cangzhou Xinchang Chemical Co., Ltd.
Cangzhou Xinchang Chemical Co., Ltd.
Cangzhou Xinchang Chemical Co., Ltd.
  •  Verified Enterprises
  • Company Type:  Production
  • Country:  China
  • Contact:  -
  • Mobile:  13503171330
  • Tel:  0317-5513517
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Detailed Information
    Basic Information
    Company NameCangzhou Xinchang Chemical Co., Ltd.CountryChina
    Registered Capital30 millionAnnual Turnover
    Ability of foreign tradeYesEmployees Number
    Employees Number
    Brand Name
    Main Market
    Contact Information
    Company AddressThe 16th Floor,Tower B of Taida International Square,Cangzhou City, Hebei Province ,China.Company Phone0317-5513517
    E-maillz@czhxch.comCompany Fax0317-5513520
    Company Websitewww.czhxch.comContact-