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At ASINEX, we are dedicated to addressing the challenges of transforming the needs of drug discovery by creating new screening libraries which are based on our expertise in medicinal chemistry, data-driven biological predictions, and advanced computational analysis. Since 1994 we have beenshaping the field of commercial screening libraries by committing to both quality and novelty in order to provide unmatched value to our customers and business partners. By harnessing the powers of intelligent molecular design, advanced automated high-throughput experimentation, and ultra-fast enumeration of chemical libraries we are efficiently exploring the chemical space to identify unexplored areas of the most promising chemotypes. By combining our expertise in cell-permeable macrocycles and bivalent molecules such as PROTACs, we are on a mission to create the world’s largest virtual library of bivalent and macrocyclic compounds that are synthetically tangible and suitable for various targets. Presently, our ultra-large virtual libraries encompass over a trillion of tangible molecules designed with the emphasis on 3 major factors: 1) synthetic feasibility 2) scalability 3) affordability. Our parallel chemistry technology allows us to synthesize high-quality chemical libraries using solution phase, solid-phase and DNA-encoded methods, providing the most versatile options for efficient hit identification, hit-to-lead and lead optimization. Please review our popular screening libraries to discover the products that serve your discovery programs best or contact us to explore potential collaborative and partnership opportunities. We are a multinational company with offices and production sites located in 3 regions: North America, Europe and Japan. All company structures are involved in efficient procurement, manufacturing and distribution to deliver excellent customer service globally.

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Company Type:  MPR

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Detailed Information
Basic Information
Company Name Asinex Ltd. Country Russia Employees Number
Registered Capital Annual Turnover Ability of foreign trade Yes
Brand Name
Main Market worldwide
Contact Information
Company Address Company Phone +7 (495) 780-3415 Company Website
E-mail Company Fax +7 (495) 780-3418 Contact
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